Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Talkpoint b: Building Healthy Habits Pt. 2

The second part of Building Healthy Habits is one that is a necessary component in any Christian's life. If you believe in Jesus and trust in Him, if you read God's word and pray then this next habit is one that cannot be hindered. In order to stay in tune with God's spirit we need to commit to worshipping him daily. As we think about what worship really means we can then understand how it is that our lives are an act of worship. Romans 12:1 Paul states: "1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship." Paul says this in his letter to the Romans as a plea to live a life that honors the sacrifice Jesus made for us. We cannot live a life that will honor God with out the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus told his disciples to go back and wait for a gift from God as He promised God would give as He ascended into Heaven. As his disciples went back to Jerusalem they waited on God's promise and what they received was the power of the Holy Spirit. When the disciples received the Holy Spirit they were then empowered to do the works of God because it is only God that can do His works through people using His Spirit. So you may ask: What does this have to do with worship?
Worship as an act is an essential part of staying in tune with God. Paul said to offer our bodies and lives as living sacrifices to do God's work in which He designed only us to do. As we live as living sacrifices our views change. We do not put ourselves first. We put God first. We do not yearn for the things our friends have but encourage our friends to use the gifts God has given to them for the glory of God. Worship as a spiritual act is more than just singing and raising our hands to heaven. These are essential as we show our surrender to God but to truly worship God we must lift our hands to Him every day and surrender our lives to Him for His use. This is when we can truly lean on the Holy Spirit to empower us just as He empowered the disciples and live as living sacrifices holy and pleasing to God who made the ultimate sacrifice for us.
John 4:23 says that the father is seeking people who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. When we worship in spirit we lay down everything that is within our humanness and open our hearts and minds to the things of God. We quit worrying about getting more "stuff" and start praising and giving thanks to our King--Jesus. When we realize that we cannot live this life by ourselves but only through the power of the Holy Spirit, it is then that we lay down the things that bind us in sin and trust God's words and truly live free. As we worship in truth we have faith that God is who He says He is and when we put our faith in this we cannot help but be changed by His words. It is God who changes the hearts of men and women through His truth by His Spirit. When we lay down the things that we are worrying about and put God first trusting that He knows what is best for us it is then that we can worship in Spirit and truth through humility and grace. Worship is living as a sacrifice for God to use. If we lay down our desires and put God's desires first we will experience way more in our lives than we ever thought would be or could be possible on our own. THE CHALLENGE: Worship God in spirit and in truth, laying down all that hinders you from committing your life fully to Jesus. God wired you with gifts and abilities that only you can use for Him. So live as a a living sacrifice ready to be used by God listening to His Spirit and living by the truth of His Word.

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